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Benefits and Kinds of Dumbbell Shrugs

If you are into weight training, you probably are into neck training as well. You probably would like to build strong traps as well. After all, a thick neck needs giant traps to support it. Along with a good neck program, you need to have a great trapezius workout as well. A good traps workout has to include dumbbell shrugs. When it comes to building your traps, these shrugs offer wider options than barbell shrugs.

What are the Benefits of Dumbbell Shrugs?

When it comes to trap workouts, these shrugs offer the following benefits: 1. It allows individual trapezius isolation, so you can concentrate on growing your traps better. 2. It allows for better movement. You can hold or position the dumbbells outside or in front your thighs or even behind your body. 3. It offers greater or wider range of motion. 4. It allows you to “run the rack” upwards or downwards.

Two Kinds of Dumbbell Shrugs

When it comes to these shrugs, you can consider two versions: the normal and alternative version.

The normal version is typically performed exactly the way you would do a barbell shrug. To do this, you need to hold a pair of barbells. While keeping both the arms straight, slowly raise the barbells towards the ears and then once it reaches your ear, return to the original position. The sets, reps and progression for this are 20, 10, 8, 6 and 6. Do this once a week.

This is definitely great for beginners, but if you would like a better version, a version that allows for better range of motion and traps workout, you should consider the alternate version. This version allows you to perform the exercise while on your knees. This is great if you are suffering from back pain or other back troubles. When you perform this while on your knees, you put lesser strain on your back.

To do this, you need to hold your dumbbells outside your legs. Make sure that you have your palms facing towards each other. This is what you call a neutral grip. Unlike the normal version, this version is geared towards isolation of trapezius muscles. You need to focus on raising one shoulder and then squeezing your trap by trying to touch the barbell to your ear. While you are shrugging one shoulder, the other shoulder should remain motionless while you are doing your routine. Sets, reps and progression for this are 12, 8, 8, 6 and 20 on both sides. Do this once a week.

In order to maximize your training, make sure to keep your chin always tucked towards the chin. Look at yourself in the mirror while doing dumbbell shrugs.

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