“Ready To See How Much Your Grip Has Been Holding You Back? Want To Maximize Your Gains …Without Settling For Cheap, Worthless Straps? These Lifting Straps Are Your New Secret Weapon!”
-The Highest Quality, Most Comfortable & Gain-Maximizing Lifting Straps GUARANTEED. Get Yours Now!-
Want to walk into the gym with swagger and confidence because you’re killing it with your lifts and your body has transformed to prove it? Want to maximize your gains while minimizing the risk of injury? With these wrist straps, you’ll instantly realize just what you’ve been missing. Whether you’re new or a veteran, male or female, powerlifting or cross fit…our straps are made for you. You’ll wish you had discovered these years ago.
-Order Now & Claim These Exclusive ‘Amazon-Only’ Bonuses! Love Your Straps Or You Don’t Pay!-
If you order right now, you’ll receive Kevin Weiss’ “Rockin’ Abs” & “Low Carb Diet” guides, AND his “How to Use Lifting Straps” online video for FREE ($17.99 total value)! Feel guilt-free about this purchase, they’re well worth it. If you’ve tried other products but weren’t happy…you NEED to give ours a try!
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE BUYING WEIGHT LIFTING GRIPS ONLINE OR IN A STORE… Weight lifting hand straps are NOT all the same. Don’t buy it just because the price is lower! Cheap straps aren’t nearly as safe or effective as ours. You get what you pay for and ours are guaranteed for life for a reason.
Simply Click “Add to Cart” to get the most out of every single rep of every single lift, to become the person you’ve always dreamed of…100% Risk Free!
From the manufacturer: Our forearm straps can run out of stock. We are frequently featured in various news outlets (CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC). If you see the green “In Stock” above, place your order to claim yours before they’re sold out again.
IMPROVE YOUR GRIP & LIFT MORE WEIGHT OR WE’LL SEND YOUR MONEY BACK! -If you don’t love the added support from your wrist straps, return them. Take pressure of your wrists and hands as you deadlift, shrug or push through a heavy back routine. Great for barbells, bumpers plates, kettlebells & lifting platforms without sacrificing comfort. Order now and try them risk free. You’ll literally wonder how you ever worked out without them.
GRIP LIMITATION HOLDING YOU BACK? HIT YOUR FITNESS GOALS FASTER – You paid good money for your gym membership so get the most from your workout! Order yours; easily target specific muscle groups and watch your body transform once you see how much your weak grip has been holding you back. Whether recovering from an injury or pushing yourself to the limit, the strap wrap aids to achieve goals securely and effectively.
BEST PAIR OF WEIGHT LIFTING WRIST STRAPS (SET OF 2) – Only training straps endorsed by 2014 World Champion Powerlifter Kevin Weiss & As Seen on CBS, FOX, NBC & ABC! Used by pro IFBB athletes, record holding powerlifters & top fitness coaches & trainers. Instantly eliminate grip strength fatigue from getting in the way of progress. These heavy duty durable cotton straps are fully adjustable & machine washable. Excellent stitching prevents fraying.
WANT TO QUICKLY & SAFELY IMPROVE YOUR LIFTS & MAXIMIZE YOUR GAINS? – Build strength & power evenly & optimum muscle appearance in your back, traps, shoulders & other muscle groups while going heavy. Versatile and easy to apply or remove during exercise. Thick premium grade cotton with super soft and comfortable neoprene to protect from digging into your wrists. Supplements and other accessories are pricey which makes these wraps a great bargain for your gym bag addition. Best straps on Amazon.
PERFECT FOR MEN OR WOMEN, POWERLIFTING, CROSS FIT, XFIT, WOD & BODYBUILDING. -Train with this weight lifting accessory whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced lifter & throw up the most reps pulling the most weights ever! Hit new PR’s in deadlifts, pull-ups, chin-ups, lat pull downs, shrugs, or rows. Backed by a Lifetime Replacement Guarantee. Order now and receive in a follow up email a Free Exclusive Bonus Report – Buy 2… One For You and One For Your Work Out Partner.

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