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Isometric Exercises – Increase Your

If you have heard about isometric exercise than you like me may be tired of hearing the expression — “NO Pain, NO Gain!”

The fact of the matter is, that to get results from any workout or fitness program you really don’t have to be left on the floor crying in pain. Most of the pain anyways comes from the release of lactic acid.

It’s not the muscle tissue saying “don’t work me out any further.”

Anyone today can get in better physical shape and improve their health. And the best part is it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune.

Today, you can purchase low-cost isometric equipment that will provide you with all the muscle building, fat burning exercise that any normal individual needs to be in top shape.

So, you can throw away those expensive brochures about the Bowflex or Total Gym. And you can forget about joining that Bally’s gym, Gold’s gym, Powerhouse Gym, or any other expensive health club.

Typically for under $100 you can get an isometric exercise home gym>. They offer several benefits over traditional gyms.

Here are some of the advantages of isometric exercise home gyms:

1. Portable

Usually weighing less than 5 pounds and measuring approximately 34 to 36 inches you can take these muscle building miracles anywhere.

2. Variety Of Exercises

Most of the better quality isometric exercise equipment allows you to perform more than 82 health club quality type exercises. What this means to you is that you’ll never be bored and you will be able to target the individual muscles from different angles. Thus, insuring yourself of continuous muscle growth.

3. Measurement of Strength

The problem with traditional free hand isometric exercise is that there is no real way to measure how much resistance you’re using and if you are actually growing in strength. Sometimes, the mirror is not enough for us to be able to see if we are growing stronger

That’s why the better isometric exercisers come with a “strength or power meter.”

The strength meter or power meter are an invaluable bodybuilding tool. It not only allows you to measure your strength gains but, it also provides you with the ability to target a specific gain in strength in each workout. I’ll explain more about that later.

This type of isometric exercise you can easily increase your strength by 300% in less than 30 days. I’m not just saying that, has been the results of many individuals that participated in a medical study.

Isometric exercise provides everyone with a safe alternative to possibly dangerous free weight exercise programs. Just about anyone any age can use isometrics without the possibility of injury or the need to torture yourself during your workout.

The exercises are easy to perform and gentle so, that regardless of your age or your current physical condition you can use isometric training. One other advantage that I forgot to mention is that these isometrics gyms can also be used to workout using isotonic exercise.

Isotonic exercise is what most of us have used for most our lives. It simply means, doing more than one repetition of exercise. That is another major advantage of isometric exercise equipment you can use it many different ways.

About Udo

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